Anatoli Norman
Esimene Eestist pärit talvituja Antarktikas
The first person from Estonia who overwintered in Antarctica

Majesteetlikud jäämäed Antarktikas
Majestic icebergs around Antarctica

Anatoli Norman tüüpilises polaaruurija nahkjakis
Anatoli Norman wearing a typical polar explorer leather jacket

Anatoli laevale, mootorlaev Estoniale on saabunud merejumal Neptun oma kaaskonnaga
The god of the sea, Neptune, and his companions, have arrived on Anatoli’s motor vessel Estonia

Ristimistseremoonia polnud kergete killast, kõrvale jääda ei saanud keegi
The Sea Baptism ceremony was not easy, and everyone had to participate

Eksootiline Aafrika turg
Exotic African market

Pikkadele merereisidele pakkusid vaheldust lühikesed peatused sadamalinnades
Short stops in port cities provided variety to long sea voyages

Ta ostis põnevaid postkaarte
He bought exciting postcards

Oma teisel Antarktika reisil õnnestus Anatolil külastada päris elevanditsirkust Colombos Sri Lankal
On his second trip to Antarctica, Anatoli managed to visit a real elephant circus in Colombo, Sri Lanka

Tunnustamist väärib, et Anatoli kogus ja tema pere säilitas huvitavaid turismibrošüüre
It is worth acknowledging that Anatoli collected and his family preserved interesting tourist brochures

Antarktikasse saabudes ja sealt lahkudes pidid kõik abistama transporditöödel; fotol mootorlaev Nadežda Krupskaja Anatoli kolmandal Antarktika reisil
Arriving in and leaving Antarctica, everyone had to help with transport work; the photo depicts the motor vessel Nadezhda Krupskaya on Anatoli’s third Antarctic voyage

Nõukogude polaarlennunduses kasutati nii inimeste kui ka kaupade veoks Iljušin Il-14 tüüpi lennukeid
In Soviet polar aviation, Ilyushin Il-14 type airplanes were used to transport both people and goods

Vaade Novolazarevskaja jaamale, kus Anatoli talvitus kolm korda
View of the Novolazarevskaya station, where Anatoli wintered three times

Tugevate tuiskudega võisid hooned täiesti lumme mattuda. Novolazarevskaja elektrijaam augustis 1967
With heavy blizzards, the buildings could be completely buried in snow. Novolazarevskaya power plant in August 1967

9. Nõukogude Antarktika ekspeditsiooni Novolazarevskaja jaama talvitujad. Anatoli teises reas paremalt esimene
The overwinterers at the Novolazarevskaya station of the 9th Soviet Antarctic Expedition. Anatoli is first from the right in the second row

1960. aastatel võisid koerad veel Antarktisel hülgeid uudistada. Aprilliks 1994 viidi keskkonnaprotokolli nõudel ära viimased penid
In the 1960s, dogs could still live in Antarctica. By April 1994, the last pooches were taken away as required by the environmental protocol

Vaal jäälahvanduses
Whale in a polynya

Polaarjaama töötajad kohalikega – Adeelia pingviinidega – tutvust sobitamas
Polar station staff getting acquainted with the locals, the Adélie penguins

Fotograaf Anatoli Norman
Photographer Anatoli Norman

Pingviinide lasteaed
Penguin nursery

Anatoli sai pingviinidest inspiratsiooni lõbusate polaarkarikatuuride joonistamiseks
The penguins inspired Anatoli to draw fun polar cartoons

Töö eksperimentaalses kasvuhoones. See polnud toona just tavaline, et ühes Antarktika jaamas otsustati hakata ise köögivilju kasvatama
Work in the experimental greenhouse. Back then, it was not very common for people to grow vegetables in an Antarctic station

Kogu elu sel külmal mandril reguleerib 1961. aastal jõustunud Antarktika leping. Lepingu kehtivuse 10. juubelit tähistav esimese päeva ümbrik
Everything on this cold continent is governed by the Antarctic Treaty, which became effective in 1961. First day of issue cover for commemorating the 10th anniversary of the treaty’s entry into force

Jää jääb
The ice remains
Fotod: Anatoli Normani erakogu
Photos: Private collection of Anatoli Norman
Joonistused / Drawings: Anatoli Norman